Music Theatre International (MTI) is one of the world's leading theatrical licensing agencies, granting theatres from around the world the rights to perform the greatest selection of musicals from Broadway and beyond. Founded in 1952 by composer Frank Loesser and orchestrator Don Walker, MTI is a driving force in advancing musical theatre as a vibrant and engaging art form.
ORiGiN™ Theatrical is an Australian Independent music company owned and managed by Philip Walker and Philip Mortlock.
ORiGiN™ Theatrical is the market leader in Australia and New Zealand for secondary market theatrical exploitation into amateur, community, schools, pro-am, small professional, fringe, regional, stock and repertory productions. Simply this means everything other than First Class Professional Productions.
DSP is one of Australia and New Zealand’s largest musical theatre agents - issuing licences for up to 200 different seasons of musicals and plays a year. Works under management range from global blockbusters such as We Will Rock You and Saturday Night Fever the Musical to homegrown hits such as The Boy From Oz, Essgee's Pirates of Penzance, Back to the 80’s and Song Contest : The Almost Eurovision Experience.
OneMusic exists to simplify music licensing for New Zealand businesses. One licence grants businesses the legal permission they need to use our music, while helping to ensure that music creators are paid for the use of their work.
Our company was originally founded in 1995 under the name of Deborah Martin Productions and in 2012 became Amanda Stone Productions. Our philosophy is that the performing arts allow a community to tell stories, convey messages, pursue an idea or theme that reflects the culture and its beliefs and values. We are always looking to expand our business and our offering of shows and rest assured of a continuation of high quality scripts, excellent musical production and direction plus a wealth of additional support to make your production as stress-free, enjoyable and fun as possible.
For over fifty years ‘The Play Bureau’ have been privileged to represent a number of the major publishing houses of the world and, in that time, have on their behalf distributed and licensed to customers within New Zealand some of the finest and most successful plays that are available anywhere.
Our mail order Bookstore houses play scripts, musicals and theatre books by authors of international acclaim, together with a selection of works by individual New Zealand and Australian writers. The extensive range of titles on offer covers a wide variety of interest groups from Primary School and College through to Repertory and Musical Theatre level and we are proud of our listings and proud of our reputation for good service.
Playmarket was founded by Robert Lord, Nonnita Rees, Judy Russell and Ian Fraser in 1973 to encourage the professional production of New Zealand plays, and was registered in 1975 as a non-profit incorporated society.